In the Darkness of Matter, a Blossoming | Liberal Youth Ministry + Dream Baby!
From October 14 to December 31, 2022
Contemporary Fashion and Design Program
Curador: Rodrigo Santoscoy
Project Room
The brain differentiates between memories, storing up some while setting aside others. Far from organizing information on the basis of its value or utility, the memory operates through emotional bonds that have been developed in cognitive processes. For designers Antonio Zaragoza and Kenia Filippini, both bodily sensations and images of everyday life constitute the memories that make up their creative imaginary. These memories play a fundamental role, owing to their great symbolic power. Another landscape in which memories operates is that of dreams.
Far from being confined to a state of perpetual melancholy, these designers project toward the possibilities of the future: a horizon explored by way of its visual and tactile qualities. Thus, the future is presented as a material to be manipulated and transformed. This process is made possible by the symbols that manifest themselves in dreams. The French philosopher Gaston Bachelard believed that reality, rather than being a conscious spectacle, is a dreamlike experience. Without the memory of dreams, it would be impossible for us to imagine a future, for it is in the course of this dialogue between day and night, between sleeping and waking, that the future is fashioned.
This exhibition is presented in the form of a great rhizome, out of which memories, experiences, images, sounds, textures, and even cellular processes such as mitosis are articulated. The cellular division known as mitosis consists in the creation of genetically identical cells, in the same way that the work of Liberal Youth Ministry and Dream Baby! is here presented.
Rodrigo Santoscoy
7 August, 2022