Tales of the Uncanny | Proyecto E.M.E

From February 1 to July 6, 2025
A project by Proyecto E.M.E
Santiago Amaya, So Cabrera López, Daniela de la Torre, María Enríquez, Martín Estrada Márquez, Alonso Galera, Santiago Gómez, Diego González Gómez, Perla Mata Chairez, Gladys Méndez, Mariana Paniagua, Jysus Ramírez

Reading Room


Objects are silent narrators of their own stories. Protagonists of a long journey, they cross thresholds, undergo trials, make discoveries, lose their way, and finally return home. Works of art are no exception: they are created, transported, acquired, collected, and sometimes destroyed.

Tales of the Uncanny is a brief compilation of adventures adrift between the borders of truth and mere anecdote. This selection of twelve pieces by emerging artists includes stories as extraordinary as the loss of a shipment, a chance encounter with Madonna, unopened letters from the Vatican, and even discoveries of a rare beetle species in forgotten corners of Mexico.

In this way, the exhibition offers a pretext for thinking of the museum as a fertile space for narrative and imagination, where each work carries within itself a story that merits being listened to, though it cannot always be verified: an invitation to rediscover these objects.


