I (is) Others: Contemporary Self-Portrait
From July 5 to September 29, 2013
Curated by: Paulina Ascencio and Geovanna Ibarra
Gustavo Abascal · Marina Abramović · Sophie Calle · Mónica Castillo · Abraham Cruzvillegas · Minerva Cuevas · Lee Friedlander · Jonathan Hernández · Justin Lieberman · Paul McCarthy · Ana Mendieta · Vik Muniz · Fernando Ortega · Luis Felipe Ortega · Rubén Ortiz-Torres · Cindy Sherman · Roberto Turnbull · Francisco Ugarte
As a radical questioning of personal reality, the inquiry into the Self can be grounded in the awareness of one’s own finitude. Recognizing our limitations creates the need to generate an inventory, a record, a document, or a living archive of what we are.
The Self is not static; instead, as a construct, it is pure action, movement, and constant renewal. In its perpetual process of becoming, the self-portrait emerges as a remnant of a Self that no longer is, leaving a trace that is never entirely current. Now a ruin, a residue, it becomes what is left of us—a footprint whose permanence is not continuity but rather a specter appropriated by the Other.