Open Studio 3: Index of Victory | Humberto Ramírez
From March 6 to June 29, 2014
Curators: Viviana Kuri and Alan Sierra
Bas Jan Ader · Diane Arbus · Artemio · Peter Beard · Rineke Dijkstra · Jonathan Hernández · Lake Verea · Gonzalo Lebrija · Raul Ortega Ayala · Paula Santiago · Federico A. Solórzano · Emanuel Tovar
In the third edition of Estudio abierto (Open Studio) Humberto Ramírez approached the study of human beings from a range of perspectives. With drawing as a main support, and the theme of sports as catalyst, the artist proposed to demonstrate that civilized coexistence and agents of violence –such as deindividuation and dehumanization– are conducts that emerge under different conditions, but share a common space.
The work of Humberto Ramírez in Estudio abierto 3 functioned as an installation, a sort of panoptic in which different branches of knowledge were divided into cells. Human beings were classified in these cells according to different aspects of their nature: inherently wild, alert as hunter, vulnerable as prey, aggressive in war, competition, and sports. In the center was the artist as explorer, working amidst shelves arranged as in a laboratory, surrounded by various elements of science: geological and paleontological samples, test tubes, stuffed animals, books, papers, and other paraphernalia.