Vórtice [Vortex] | Marcela Armas
From March 7th to May 4th, 2014
Curators: Cecilia Delgado and Alejandra Labastida
Vórtice (Vortex) explored the production mechanisms of the free textbooks distributed by the Mexican Ministry of Education (Secretaría de Educación Pública, or SEP). Since 2004, all government books have been made with a high proportion of recycled paper. The political and symbolic charge of the books resides not only in their content, but also in their material as container: they carry the genetic code of their bureaucratic origin. In an analogy with the industrial order whereby knowledge is processed within the machinery of government, Armas transformed the books into moving mechanical parts, into the gears of a conceptual mechanism.
Exhibition organized in collaboration with the Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC).