Waltz in the Branches | Federico García Lorca and Guillermo Kuitca
From November 28, 2024 to March 23, 2025
A project by Sonia Becce and Laura García Lorca
Sala Juan Soriano
Almost ninety years after the assassination of Federico García Lorca, his literary and artistic work continues to have an enormous impact worldwide on readers, viewers, and artists. Guillermo Kuitca’s fascination with Lorca began at a young age, when he first read the poems, and this affinity has continued to develop in his maturer years, as witnessed by his stage designs for productions of The House of Bernarda Alba and Blood Wedding at the Teatro San Martín in Buenos Aires, in 2015 and 2023, respectively. Federico García Lorca and Guillermo Kuitca: Waltz in the Branches is a conversation opened up by Lorca through theater, poetry, and drawing, brought together by Guillermo Kuitca and incorporated into his own language. It is also a conversation with the twentieth century, crossing over generations, frontiers, and the boundaries of artistic disciplines. It is an exhibition devoted to the poetic image in all of its forms.
The title of the exhibition is taken from one of the poems in Poet in New York. It assembles a large number of García Lorca’s own manuscripts (including Diván del Tamarit, La casa de Bernarda Alba, and Sonetos del amor oscuro), as well as a significant selection of drawings. Lorca’s drawings, less known than his writings, reveal a penetrating and incisive draftsman who is at the same time extremely simple.
The exhibition also includes a large selection of sketches and drawings by Kuitca of his stage designs for Lorca plays, as well as some of his most noteworthy paintings, which address themes common to both artists ―the world of childhood, political persecution, religion, theater, trauma both personal and collective, and desire―, creating a rich interplay of correspondences.