The installation Regrese Mañana (Come Back Tomorrow) reflects on bureaucratic processes from a Kafkaesque perspective, in which the arrangement of scales is only apparently nonsensical, for it contributes to the motivation to multiply procedures and so obtain a piece with commercial value.
The work of Guzmán Fernández reproduces, underlines, and extols the absurdity of bureaucratic processes and procedures and of institutional rules. The artist is obsessed by bureaucracy as an entity that records and regulates our existence, a great power behind the desk or counter that decides and organizes our timetables, in accordance with dark, hermetic, inflexible, and mysterious rules. Often imbued with caustic humor, her work reflects on these processes and, far from condemning them, discovers a motivation and a raison d’être in their very monotony and their tendency to consume time, energy, and resources.
In Regrese Mañana, the artist presents the different elements that make up the bureaucratic process, offering the visitor a pre-established path to conclude his or her procedure and to access the hidden node of the exhibition and its appendix. There are always shortcuts and alternative routes, however, that can modify the process formulated in the first instance.
Samara Guzmán Fernández
Born in Mexico City, 1988. Lives and works in Guadalajara. A graduate of the visual arts program of the Universidad de Guadalajara, Guzmán Fernández has also studied communications, cinema, and photography. She is currently a recipient of the “Young Creators” grant of the FONCA (2012-2013) for the project Fanart. Since 2011 she has been co-director of the independent exhibition space TRAMA Centro. In 2012 she received a PECDA grant for cultural promotion.
In 2011 she published Caja Registradora (Taller de Ediciones Económicas). She has held two individual exhibitions: Correo gratis por un día (La Galería de Comercio, Mexico City) and Ex-estudiante (Sala Juárez of the Laboratorio de Artes Variedades, Guadalajara). Collective exhibitions in which she has participated include: Personas and José Guadalupe Carrillo García (Sala Juárez, Guadalajara), Tinnitus y Fosfenos (Museo de Arte de Zapopan), Casa de Cultura (Biblioteca del Estado, Jalisco), and Creación en Movimiento (Jardín Borda, Cuernavaca, Morelos). She received the “Estimulos a las Creación Artística” grant from the state of Jalisco for 2009-2010 to participate in the collective project José Guadalupe Carrillo García, which culminated in an exhibition and publication.